Sunday, March 27, 2016

Snoozing Around the World

I have started to do more in depth research for my project and the first step I decided to take was to learn more about the history of siestas. This afternoon nap originated in Spain and is derived from the Latin phrase hora sexta, which means the sixth hour. It comes from this because a day starts at dawn, therefore the sixth would be at noon which is the perfect time for a nap. The tradition of taking a siesta is primarily done in Spanish speaking countries because of it's Spanish origin, but has spread to many other countries. Some of these countries include Italy, Greece, Mexico, Ecuador and even Nigeria. It's no coincidence that all of these countries are located in hotter climates. The siesta not only gives people a chance to get a nap in for a long day of work, it also gets them out of the sun at the hottest time of the day. There has been controversy of whether or not siestas are good for your health and if they should be kept around. Some sources show that taking a siesta can help one's cardiovascular system while others show that it can increase your risk of coronary disease. These are just a few of the things I have learned so far and cannot wait to continue into more in depth information.

To ensure that this information is accurate, I fact check whatever resource I use. I search other sites to see if their information matches the facts that are given in the website I am using. I make sure that I do not copy the article and use my own words to discuss what information I've collected. I am not using any materials that are not allowed for reusing. I need to learn more about the health benefits and risks that come along with siestas. I also would like to research about why a lot of these countries are no longer having siestas. 

Source for Information Above

1 comment:

  1. I think it is very interesting that you saw that most countries that take siestas are in hotter climates. It makes a lot of sense because the sun will wear you out very quickly. I can't wait to see all of the benefits that you find for your artifact, it will make me want to make time in my busy schedule for a quick nap during the day!
